Thursday, May 12, 2011

Contact Details...

Contact details Mob 07900930466 or

Should anyone wish to join me for a few hours of cycling or walking on any of the days please feel free to contact me or Naomi (Naomi's number 07850500361)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    My colleague at Chetham's, Ian Mayer, has been in touch with you regarding a team of us joining you at some point on your cycle. From looking at your itinerary, the best day would be day 5 (Nantwich to Carnforth).

    Could you let me know what time you plan to set-off on this day? Our plan is to have someone from School drop us off at a meeting point with you and then we'll cycle with you and leave you at a train station at some point along the route!

    Look forward to hearing from you!

    Kind regards,

    Adam Duncan (
